Average Ring Size by Height and Weight
If you're looking to surprise her with an engagement ring or a wedding band, you're at the right place. Or maybe you wanna find your own ring size or someone else's. You'll find what you're looking for here.

Let me tell you the good news first. We guarantee your ring size for free, so don't worry at all since we've got your back. If you end up with a small or big ring at the end, we can resize or exchange it for you here at Leyloon.
The question is that, can you tell the average ring size based on height and weight? Is this even possible? Is this a fact or a myth? Let's dive in.
The short answer to this question is yes and no.
Every human body is unique. Some people with short height have big fingers and some others are tall with slim fingers. On the other hand, some people have short height with small fingers and some others tall with giant fingers.
Here's the average ring size by the type of finger and had size.
Hand Size | Fingers Type | US Ring Size |
Tiny hands | Thin fingers | 4 - 5 |
Thicker fingers | 5.5 - 6.5 | |
Average hands | Thin fingers | 5.5 - 6.5 |
Thicker fingers | 6. 5 - 7.5 | |
Big hands | Thin fingers | 6.5 - 7.5 |
Thicker fingers | 8 - 9 |
Here's another chart to show you the average ring size by height and weight.
Height (ft-in) | Weight (pounds) | US Ring Size |
5'3" and below | Around 130 | 5 |
Below average | 4 - 4.5 | |
Above average | 5.5 - 6 | |
5'4" to 5'6" | Around 140 | 6 |
Below average | 4.5 - 5.5 | |
Above average | 6.5 - 7.5 | |
5'7" to 5'9" | Around 150 | 7 |
Below average | 5.5 - 6.5 | |
Above average | 7.5 - 8 | |
5'10" and above | Around 160 | 7 - 8 |
Below average | 6 - 7 | |
Above average | 8 - 9 |
Need a ring size convertor? I link to the ring size chart that you can convert the ring sizes if you need to.
An average ring size number does not mean that the ring would fit. But knowing it increases the chance of choosing the right size. In order to be able to find the accurate ring size, you need some information, facts and evidence about his/her ring size.
You'll know how to find the facts and evidence too, don't worry.
Effective Causes on People's Average Ring Sizes
To more accurately know an average ring size you must have some very personal information in mind while figuring it out.
- Her Knuckles
- Is She Right or Left-handed?
- Her Fit Preference
- Her/His Race & Ethnicity
- Her Fingers Compare to Your Fingers
- Her/His Genetics
- Her/His Age
- Her/His Job or Occupation
- Her Pregnancy
You have two different ways to look at the ring sizes.
- Should you go with the most purchased ring size?
- Or the most common ring sizes purchased overall?

My Irish Jeweler looked at a random sample of 5000 ring orders. The graph above shows the spread of ring sizes ordered by both men and women.
Are the ring sizes of men and women different?
See the chart? Women's most common ring sizes fall into 5 sizes. But men's finger sizes are divided into 9 different sizes. Almost double. With that said, guessing men's ring sizes can be more challenging since there's more common average ring sizes' to choose from. So the risk of going wrong is higher.
As you can see the difference in the chart, the majority of average women ring sizes are between the size 6 until 8. But men's average ring size scale starts from 8 until it gets to 12 before it drops in half.
Average Ring Size of Men:
If the ring is for a man, then obviously you should estimate higher ring numbers than women. Men with slim hands fall around 7-10. A slim man could weigh somewhere around 130 pounds and go up to 170 or even 180 pounds if he's very skinny and tall. The bigger hands of big men can easily be around 11 and 12. These men's weight usually starts somewhere from 160/170 and easily go up till over 200 even 230 pounds.
Let's review the Ring Sizes of Purchases chart given above more closely:
There's almost no orders for men from size 6½ and below. Men's ring sizes start from 7 and gradually get to 8. There's about the same amount of people that wear size 8 and 8½.
Size 9 and 9½ have slight differences with size 10½ and 11 but they together contain the majority of men's ring sizes. These four numbers stand together on #1 most common ring sizes.
Although the #1 most purchased men's ring size is size 10.
The secret to know the #2 most common men's ring sizes may be a little hidden in the chart since they're far apart. Size 8 and 8½ along with size 11½ and 12 are the second most common ring sizes among men.
Average Ring Size of Women:
This is based on statistics of the average height and weight of women in most parts of the world. The average ring size of women is 5-7 (median of 6). We’ll relate this to your girlfriend’s ring size.
If you only look at the women's side of the scale you notice something is different compared to men. Size 7 is the #1 most purchased women ring size. #2 most purchased belong to size 6. And #3 is size 8. It's funny that size 6½ is number $ and 7½ is #5. I said it was funny because the average size jump up and down one after another. But in men it's different.
As the chart above shows, here's very few women that wear size 3 and 3½. You can see that women's ring size starts from 4 and gets to number 7 very rapidly. Then it starts dropping until number 10. You can tell that there's very few women in the world with a ring size of 10½.
As a first step, you’ll want to take note of your girlfriend’s frame. Is she short and on the bigger side with her frame? Then you want to consider the 7-9 ring size range. Is she tall and slim? Then it’ll be more like 4 or 5. Once you figure this out, our other factors come knocking for consideration! 😉

1. Her Knuckles
Her frame will help determine whether her fingers are average, bigger or smaller. Are her knuckles skinny?
She could be 100 pounds with 5ft height. Or maybe 200 pounds and 5ft. Aside from that, you need to observe her knuckles.
Are they bigger than the rest of her finger? If so, then we’ll need to consider a bigger size so that the ring is able to slide past her knuckle when she puts it on.
2. Is She Right or Left-handed?

Fingers on the dominant hand tend to be slightly bigger. This is approximated as half a size bigger than the other hand. Armed with this new trick, we want to pay closer attention to her dominant hand! 😉
3. Her Fit Preference
Does she prefer a tighter fitting ring or one on the looser side? The rings in her jewelry box would be the best place to check!
4. Her/His Race & Ethnicity
Generally speaking in the locations where women or men have to work hard with their hands, they develop thicker and stronger fingers. Which inevitably increases their finger sizes. It effects on both male and female.

Photo by Tiago Rosado: "When we reached the top of Kyanjing Ri, one of the thousands of mountains of Nepal. We made the Langtang Trekking during 10 days, was hard but an amazing and unforgettable experience."
For example Asians on average have smaller and elegant hands compared to Africans. Or Americans to some Europeans and middle eastern.
This goes to confirm that we can use the average height and weight of women to estimate the average ring size! That said, it should go hand in hand with a few more factors for improved accuracy.
5. Her Fingers Compare to Your Fingers

Is your height and weight similar to hers? What about your finger sizes? You should have a better estimate about your finger sizes. Find the similarities and the differences between your fingers and her fingers. This way you can find a better number by measuring your own finger which is similar to hers.
6. Her/His Genetics
Some families have bigger bodies. Some others are shorter. There's a family I know that 's fat and over 6". Of course when we shake hands I feel like my hands are like a babies' hands compare to them.

If they look bigger than people around them, then you should double focus on their fingers. Because they probably have bigger hands and fingers. This means an average ring size for their family must be higher than other people.
7. Her/His Age

As we age we might lose or gain weight. Noticing the pattern she's into is also an important factor to consider. What her size was 2 years ago doesn't mean that she'd wear the same ring size as before while she lost 30 pounds.
On the other hand of course if you're trying to find a ring size for a kid or a teenager you should know that their finger sizes definitely get bigger.
8. Her/His Job or Occupation
What does she do for a living? Is she an athlete? An office worker? A construction worker? An Artist? A barber? A teacher? A cook?

For example, if a person is a gardener, you can tell that they must have bigger hands compared to an artist.
If she's a weight lifter can also have much bigger hands compared to a swimmer.
You should ask yourself how hard and heavy they work with their hands?
8. Her Pregnancy
Is she pregnant? Or is she gonna get pregnant soo?
You know that some mothers gain weight as they start carrying their baby.

Ring size can change. If you lose or gain weight, the finger fat follows. If your loved one is losing or gaining weight, make sure you keep this in mind.
I personally would opt for some methods that can nail her exact ring size. I mentioned some of them for you down below.
I should add that if it's a little big for her, like half a size, then it should be okay. Some women after pregnancy gain weight, so their ring sizes may change along. You can use Ring Size Adjusters to temporarily make your ring smaller. We send several of them in every package.

What if you go wrong with the ring size? You have to resize it or change it. Make sure before getting your ring you ask about the sizing services. Many jewelers don't accept exchanging or resizing.(But we do) If you go wrong with a big gap then you may have to buy a new ring. But if it's a little difference only you'd get it resized.
Platinum rings
$60–$120 (resizing down); $100–$300 (resizing up)
White gold rings
$30–$80 (resizing down) $60–$150 (resizing up)
Yellow gold rings
$20–$50 (resizing down); $40–$100 (resizing up)
Shared Prong or Eternity Bands
You man never be able to resize it
We guarantee the size of all of them. We resize or exchange your ring for FREE. We have a wide range of men and women rings. Make sure you check them out and find your favorite... 💍