Would you like to collaborate with us?
Here's the way we can collaborate together.
- Writing
- Social Media
- Other
For many reasons you may need to have some strong articles at reputable places like websites and brands.
Maybe you just want to get consistent visitors to your social media accounts or website.
If you like writing about jewelry, but don't know what to write about, we can help you to start.
We'll give you the topics and the guide. You research, and do your best to create the best content you can possibly make.
Then after qualifying, we can publish it on Leyloon and give credit to you.
Social Media:
Get Featured:
Would you like to be featured on our social media? Contact us through our social media accounts with link to the images or the videos you want us to publish. Your content may be published after qualifications with a link to your account.
Feature Us:
Do you have loyal followers? Do you want Free products too? You can choose the jewelry you want. You can apply if you have over 10,000 followers.
After you send us your information, depending on your audience size and engagement your page will be rated. Then depending on the price of the jewelry you want, you should make several pieces of content and post them over a period of time.
YouTube, Instagram, Facebook
Your niche should be related to jewelry, watches, wedding, accessories, fashion, or luxury goods.
Email us at for more information.