Does Moissanite Sparkle Rainbow?
Are you trying to decide on the perfect gemstone for your perfect girl? 😁 Well, you're in the right place! While rainbows are a sign of hope and when one falls in love, rainbows are a romantically to base a perfect date on. ;) But, hold your horses here.
An engagement ring that sparkles a rainbow is slightly different than a cloudy or clear sky with a rainbow that makes you cherish the moment with your love even more! 😊
Moissanite is getting more famous day by day and more people are finding out about it. However, many people have different opinions on it. Some people keep comparing it to a diamond while others see it for what it really is. Many people feel intrigued by their beauty and qualities. 💫
The first thought comes into mind while you decide to go for a Moissanite or a diamond, there is one clearly visible difference you see! And, that my friend, is about how a Moissanite sparkles a rainbow or it doesn’t.
Take a look at Moissanite vs Diamond vs Cubic Zirconia vs Ruby vs Sapphire brilliance. You can see that diamond and moissanite have much higher brilliance than Cubic Zirconia and especially Ruby and Sapphire gemstones. And of course moissanite has the highest brilliance among all of gemstones and diamonds.

The high brilliance of Moissanite causes massive amounts of light reflection. So naturally you can see all types of colors sparkle through this special stone. The color of sparkles changes depending on the dominant color of your environment. The more colors and light, the more rainbow sparkle.
🌈 Does Moissanite Really Sparkle Rainbow? 🌈
If you're trying to find a gemstone that your girl will like, this is an important quality to consider. Moissanite has some amazing qualities and one of them is that it sparkles rainbow! 🌈 It can emit fiery, rainbow flashes! That can look beautiful under some lights and people tend to go for this gem because of this unique specialty. 😊
🌈 Does the Moissanite Rainbow Sparkle Look Fake? 🌈
If you aren't going to accept Moissanite on its own and keep comparing it to a diamond, then yes. I mean that’s your biggest clue that your heart is probably set on a diamond more than a Moissanite! Diamonds don't give off any of these flashes for you. Moissanite is a completely different gem and it can have some distinctive qualities which a diamond can't. ✨ One of them is its distinctive characteristic of being more sparkly than a diamond usually is.
🌈 Will She like the Rainbow Sparkle? 🌈
Here's the most important question to consider. Will she love it or just you know kinda like it? Perhaps just not to break your heart. That’s the zone you don’t want to enter bro, yeah?! Well, so you'll have to find out. Diamond and Moissanite are two really different stones; however, diamond still makes it to every article as there are just so many similarities between them.

Moissanite on the left, diamond on the right
The rainbow quality is really something that sets them apart. If you think that your girl really wants to get a diamond for her engagement ring, then there’s no reason to sweat yourself comparing these two. It can be a good idea to ask her indirect questions and really get to know if she's open to other gemstones. Or you know if she likes her jewelry or rings, in particular, to stand out?
To give the subtle sparkle or if she likes them to be not sparkly. These questions can help you make the decision of your life with ultimate surety. The more you know about her, the more your engagement ring is going to signify your love and thoughtfulness for her likes and less-likes.
🌈 Is the Moissanite Rainbow Sparkle Too Visible? 🌈
To make it simple, with no twist; no, it's not. You will only get to see the rainbow under some types of lighting. However, a bit of deal-breaker to getting this gemstone can be that it may give off yellow and gray hues in different lighting. If the love of your life doesn't care a lot about these little things, she won’t be able to notice the difference at all. 😊
You will mostly just see the slightly colored Moissanite unless under sunlight or bright exposure to light. But, a wise person like myself ;) would let you in on a secret. There are broadly 2 types of girls and you could end up with one of them. Either she likes everything simple, more minimalistic, or a rainbow of colors, sparkly, shiny! Look out for clues when she is shopping.
No matter how much you may less-like accompanying her around the mall, that’s where the most clues to this engagement ring riddle are hidden. And if the Gods of love are in your favor and you love shopping with her or for her, problem solved already! You are already The Guru in knowing what she likes. *high five on that one*
In this picture you can see how sparkly this moissanite engagement ring look like in the sun. 🌞
🌈 Jennifer Loves Her Moissanite Rainbow Effect🌈
"I absolutely love the rainbow effect of this ring",
Jennifer said while smiling brightly,
"my hands look magical when that happens!".
When I asked her about how she feels wearing it day to day,
"My love made the best decision ever by getting me this gemstone, it's very durable and I don't feel the need to be careful while pulling out the weeds from my backyard!",
she exclaimed. 😄 Rings a bell? Do her eyes shine the same like Jennifer here when she sees the shiny rings or glittery top, that’s your clue?
In this video there's a lot of sparkly moissanite engagement rings that allow you to see the rainbow effect in action.
🌈 Lauren's Take on the Rainbow Sparkle 🌈
I know Lauren loves rings but the most valuable ring of her life is her engagement ring, of course. So, I just casually asked her about the rainbow sparkle of her Moissanite rings. The twist here is that when Lauren was proposed, Moissanite was not a very famous thing so she added them to her collection later on.
"Oh! I love it. I feel like many people confuse this beautiful stone with a diamond. The reality is that both of these stones are quite different and you shouldn't get this if you really want a diamond".
I mean she made it quite simpler, yeah? When I asked her if she would recommend going for a Moissanite engagement ring, she replied,
"Oh, I wish time could be turned back and I could have my own engagement ring with this beautiful stone!" ✨
🌈 Will Moissanite rainbow Sparkle Forever? Or Loses it?🌈
The highest quality moissanite will keep it's qualities forever. Since it's one of the super hardest stones on the planet, not many stuff can effect on it.
Some examples of the things that can affect moissanite may be some types of industrial lasers and extreme heat. Basically these things have been used in the moissanite industry to cure, trim or repair some defect stones. These types of stones may lose some of their qualities as time goes by. For example if they get cloudy, some defects show up or the color of your stone changes, everything about it's sparkle and beauty changes. Depending on the situation of the stone it may take anywhere from a year up to thousands of years to see anything. So we always recommend not buying these stones at all.
The only way to make sure that it remains sparkly as it's supposed to is getting a lifetime warranty from the jewelry brand. Here at Leyloon we only make jewelry with the highest quality moissanite and diamonds and do not bring anything less. Additionally we got your back with lifetime warranty on engagement rings or any other type of jewelry . So you don't even need to be worried about inspecting or cleaning it at all. That means your moissanite jewelry remains sparkly forever.
Final Takeaway
Here's another cool infographic to see Moissanite vs Diamond vs Cubic Zirconia vs Ruby vs Sapphire Fire. Fire of a stone indicates how much the white light of your environment splits and reflects different light colors through the stone. Here again you can see that moissanite by far has the most amounts of fire.

Moissanite's fire is 0.104. Compared to diamond at 0.044 and Cubic Zirconia at 0.060, moissanite has around double amounts of fire. So when it comes to fire, even Ruby and Sapphire are not comparable to moissanite. That means none of the gemstones can sparkle rainbow as much as moissanite.
I hope I made it pretty simpler for you by sharing these experiences with you? One thing is certain, fellows. It all starts by knowing your girl and how much she likes sparkles. How much she loves rainbows and rainbow effects. I mean is it just her loving it on the skies or in her closet, jewelry box as well.
Look out for these hints. Look her in the eyes while you ask her about her likes and dislikes, look out for that shine in her eyes that is going to guide you through the tunnel of engagement ring roadway. Us girls, we are darn excited about how much attention you guys can pay over the little things. Cause guess what? These little things pave the way for the biggest decisions of our lives.
Moissanite Sparkle |
1. Is Moissanite Too Sparkly? |
2. Does Moissanite Sparkle Rainbow? (U're 👋) |
3. Does Moissanite Lose Its Sparkle? |
4. Does Moissanite Sparkle More than Diamond? |
Paul, may I know what do you mean by “her ring was not correct”? Yeah you should only ask the experts about moissanite and diamonds….
Thank you so much it was very Interesting topic about Moissanite. And yes what a sparkle I was once told my wifes ring ring was not correct. But i know that was not so great Information thanks. Paul