Does Gold or Silver Look Better on Me Quiz
Almost everyday somebody asks does gold or silver look better on me?
Then I answer it with a question:
"Should you pick gold or silver jewelry?"
Well, first I must say that you look better when you wear something that you love.
Because a $500,000 or $50 piece of jewelry does not increase your confidence as long as you don't love it.
So always keep in mind that you must love the gold or silver jewelry that you wear.
The second step is to choose smart.
I'm going to tell you how I quiz my jewelry before I wear them.
Consider "(I) choose whether gold or silver look better on me".
My secret trick is to coordinate with the tone of the dress.
Apply the following trick, so your overall look will always be cohesive.
Warm tones go with gold, while cold go with silver.
A blue dress goes perfectly with silver jewelry.
A red dress will look so flattering when you wear gold jewelry.
Match the metal color with the hardware.
Does the dress have any zippers?Or rhinestones?
If they have golden hues, stick with gold jewelry.
That's all about my secret quiz to find out gold or silver look better on me.
Remember, it's you that chooses jewelry not the jewelry choosing you.
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