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Is your girl’s birthday coming up? And you still don’t have any idea what to give her? I'd offer you two quick insightful tips on what to get a girl that work.

 And that’s all you’ll need to figure out what to get a girl for her birthday.


How to Figure Out What to Get a Girl for Her Birthday?

So, here’s the scenario.

You’ve been saving for this special occasion for a few months now. You’ve been wanting to give your girlfriend something that she’d appreciate. And, now, the time has come. You need to buy something but you can’t seem to decide on what to give her.


You thought you’ve exerted all your efforts to prepare for her birthday. What you didn’t realize was, what you prepared for was only your budget. You didn’t exert your effort to think of what specific gift to give her.


It’s true that budget is important. But in gift-giving, it’s not the monetary value that counts. More than anything else, it’s the essence of your gift that matters.


So, before you waste your money due to some impulse buying, here are two pieces of advice for you:


1. Be mindful of what she needs

Every time you’re with her, observe everything about her. These include her:


  • clothes and accessories;
  • perfume;
  • bag or purse;
  • footwear; and her
  • office stuff; among others.


Listen to everything she says. Has she ever mentioned she needed to buy something?


Observe what she’s lacking. Consider buying what she needs.


If you feel she has everything, figure out what’s the oldest stuff she owns. Check if it already needs replacement.


That way, you’re gifting her something useful and important.


2. Be mindful of what matters to her

Have you ever noticed how most girls, if not all, always have a collection of some sort?


For instance, if a girl has a fascination for honeybees, she then buys any item with honeybees as its design. She buys mugs, purse, clothes, shoes, and whatnot with bees imprinted on them. At times, the price doesn’t matter to her anymore. All she knows is that she must add that to her collection.


So, find out what your girl’s fascination is. Does she love collecting items with an elephant design? Buy a piece of jewelry with an elephant charm. If she loves honeybees, then, buy her that Lucia bracelet with a honeybee design. If she collects floral items, you may consider getting her a pair of Lily earrings.


Some girls buy things not because they need it but because it’s available in their favorite color. For example, if your girlfriend loves blue, then you may want to buy her a necklace with a sapphire pendant.


I use jewelry as an example because it’s not something that a girl would always think of buying for herself. And it's not a common gift that she'd receive on her birthday.


What I’m suggesting is that you give her a piece of jewelry that symbolizes something that matters to her. It will then give her the impression how much you value your relationship with her.


Besides, isn’t it nice to give her something that she can add to her collection? Not to mention, something that can last a lifetime.




By this time, you must already have a clearer idea of what to buy for your girlfriend.

Furthermore, by this time, you already know the secret in figuring out what to get a girl for her birthday. And that is by being mindful at all times.

So, start thinking it through. What does your girl need? What are the things that matter to her?

Buy her a birthday gift that would make her realize even more that you appreciate her being in your life.


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